Hey everyone! I’m here because of a podcast from Ross Bentley and Davin Sturdivant. This got my interest piqued. After a quick search I found two tracks within a decent travel distance and that got the wheels turning. I don’t want to get into dirt oval, I want sprint karts. I would like to let my son try it out. If it sticks for him I will inevitably get a kart to race as well. So this is kind of a two folded question/post.
Where are you located?
Walls, MS just outside of Memphis, TN
I know of two tracks Rebel Raceway in Tupelo MS and Mississippi Karting Association in Jackson, MS
What age bracket are you in? Junior (<16), Senior (16+) or Masters (30+)
5 and 35
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mechanical ability, or willingness to wrench on things?
10 - I do all my own work on my racecar. Small engines scare me, I will work through it.
Talk a little about your racing experience so far.
My son wants to get behind the wheel and he sees me doing track days in my racecar so I am wanting to get him into sprint karting. Along with this if he is there I may as well go karting too! I Auto x’ed for years and then started doing DEs about 3 years ago. Since then I moved to TimeTrial. Now I am aging my car and going wheel to wheel.
What’s the main thing you need help with to get you started.
Looking for other opportunities to race as well as looking at two different tracks that have different classes. Can one buy one chassis and swap engines? I’m a big dude 280# will I be competitive with or should I use this as a way to sharpen my own driving skill for track work? It seems that the two closest tracks run different classes can Ouse one chassis and run the different engines or are there more differences? Are there any other tracks within a 5 hour drive that are worth a look Nola and Dallas are on my radar as I have driven at both of them.
Most importantly what should I be looking for in a kart for a 5 year old? One group runs a predator 3.5 horse class and the other group does the LO203 karts for the little guys. Junior karts are they able to grow as the kid gets bigger or is it like everything else they outgrow it and you build/buy a new one?
When buying a used kart how does one know if it is set up for dirt(tires)/asphalt oval rather than sprints/road course?
Lastly where in the world does one find kid sized safety gear in one place?