That’s a massive trophy. They should have trolled the winner by making that base out of solid rock.
Keeping with the vintage theme, I have posted this kart before, but I am not sure about this pic. YZ490 on methanol, circa 1992.
Visor up on dirt… that’s brave!
He’s got the rock deflector on the front wing. He’s good to go!
I also ran HPV on a Haase
Those were some dark years in terms of results… But I’m pretty sure it was me and not the kart. I would love to get my hands on a 2005 spec Haase and take it for a spin and see if I could figure it out now. Could only get it rolling when it was cold out. Won the Route 66 race in 40 degree weather at New Castle but was so bound up at Badger later in the summer that the kart was bogging on the flat out kinks of the straight.
Helmet and kart livery matched, though, so that’s a victory. Portent of things to come.
Being “fast” and “smart” was always tough for me…
Do you remember what model you ran? I think we tried all of them at some point… Monte Carlo, Monza, Pulsar… The Pulsar was actually a pretty good little kart I think. 30/28, worked great in juniors. The Monte was 30/30 and never could get it rolling very good. Tried the Monza (30/32) and it felt better but wasn’t ever fast. Of course, probably was me!
I race at Jacksonville so it is nice to see people out there having fun.
4 hour enduro at Pitt Race last weekend!
Going strong until some welds cracked forcing us to retire…. We started the day without seat struts and when we added all the weight for our lightest driver it didn’t end well
A few pix of my son Conor (0) and myself (42 - Don’t Panic! ) at the Clyde GP last month. Unfortunately I got the gearing wrong so I wasn’t as fast as I was last year. Conor wasn’t feeling well and decided not to race in the final. Tough decision but it was the right one.
As a followup to my Clyde GP pix, I’ve mentioned the storied “Shitcane” in previous posts about the event. Here is proof positive of the existence of the Shitcane Gang. Based on all the broken bales in the second picture they were not disappointed - or sober if they followed the rules of everyone drinks when someone takes out a bale! The reaction of the woman just to the left of the corner worker in blue and the straw flying in the second picture leads me to think someone is going into said broken bales. There must have been numerous schlomozzles (a David Hobbes term as I recall) that did not take place in my races.