Seat selection due to a problem in the rear ribs

or vatiant with a high seat

my pain in this place and on both sides is not only from T11 the last time I was in another deeper seat and I died of pain again. I have been in pain for a month now, just like on the first day

That isnā€™t normal. Maybe donā€™t kart for three months or so and hope it heals up. How long ago did you have the Doc take a look?

Bilateral pain points on upper back certainly sounds like itā€™s from the kart. But, this seems different than typical. First off, itā€™s not side, itā€™s back.

when 3 months have passed the pain stops. I think putting memory foam under the tread along the entire length might be better

Has anyone tried a bead seat in their kart seats?

I was considering that for my sim rig, akchooly. Seems like a fun but potentially messy progress.

Agreed. I was thinking the same for my seat. I am just using the stock one that came with my rig and it makes my ass fall asleep on the long races. My race car buddy suggested just the doing the seat and lumbar. Told me how easy it was to get done. But for the cost of even the cheap one I could pick up an actual seat out of a WRX or something for $75.

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I went to junkyard and picked up a focus RS seat for 250 clams. I can sim for hours and hours in comfort. I had to use a dremel to remove some metal from one of the rails to get it to fit.

When I say ā€œIā€, I mean I had someone else do it.

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now when I look and touch I feel that at the place of pain when I turn my ribs climb a lot. Maybe my problem is that I am quite weak in this area. I go to the gym for 6 months so it is not from that. I think under the tread is a piece of memory foam and then to see ksk will be

That could be the problem. I believe that karting takes a lot of core strength. I think that many experienced karters just take it for granted but racing and testing 2x a month over a period of year builds core strength. Hereā€™s a test that might provide some feedback about your core strength conditioning. If you can plank for 5 minutes I would say that might be ok.

Others might have a different opinion.

Larry, coincidentally, I just ran a 3hr solo race on a tight and twisty track (50-51s laps, 11 turns).

Iā€™ve been a lazy bum and havenā€™t done my usual planks/sit-ups etc in 2021.

The day after my enduro my abs felt like I had done 100 sit-ups.

I wonder if developing the large muscles that go across upper back and top of ribs would help. The kind that is exercised with pulling a dumbell upwards while leaning forwards with one knee up.


Yes this does help. One of the guys here is 56, drives both shifter in IAME series and DD2 in Rotax series. Never wears a rib protector - he prefers to work those muscles at the gym instead.