Seat selection due to a problem in the rear ribs

The only way is to try …

all I drive with are 35 cm low seats. I am thinking of buying 39 cm

Yeah give the tall a go. That might be the issue.

You’re wearing the Bengio too low, it’s not doing anything. It should be up almost under your armpit, protecting your ribs not our stomach!


As I see it, the Bengio isn’t spreading the impacts from the top of the seat, because the top of it is level with the top of the seat.

yes but it still seems to me that with a higher seat will be fine

Possibly, but I’d say you can fix it by adjusting the Bengio position. You’re exactly the same height as me with exactly the same seat and pain in exactly the same place. When I drive my Bengio is tucked under my arm pits, i feel absolutely no pain and can take the kerbs way harder than I ever could before and not feel a thing.

Try it before shelling out on a deep seat :wink:

Ah yes the old bengio too big issue. A wise man once told me that one should try these in a seated position for sizing. Because, this.

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I also have such a WMD

Check these products out

I am fond of these for places that hurt. Sticky backed neoprene that can be cut:

Take Richard’s suggestion and hike that Bengio up under your armpits.

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Agreed! I use a Ribtect Vest that is taller than the Bengio, so it covers more vertical rib space and I still have it tucked up under my armpits. Zero rib pain. Its about distributing the load from the pressure points.

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it seems to me ribtec is the same as my bengio but at double the price. I don’t know if it will have an effect if I take a high seat and a new ribtec protector

It would seem the first thing to do is see if you can adjust the one you have to be more high up on your chest.

If that doesn’t work because the rib protector keeps sliding down, either get a smaller rib vest that fits better or try the taller backed seat.

It would seem that either of those would help.

No, the Bengio should be fine. You just need to try wearing it higher on your chest before spending money on more equipment you may not need.

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when i put bengio under the shoulders the lower edge of the bengio is right on my pain

if you think the tillet tread would be better to buy it? But when I look at bengio, I hardly see the difference between the two

or another option is to take such pads to put them as extra with bengio

Won’t make any difference if you’re not wearing it correctly;) You see the mark on mine - that pretty much correlates to where I would get pain without wearing it. Strangely there’s no protrusion there whatsoever on the seat, I think maybe it’s just a T11 thing, there’s a slight convex effect either side of the centre line.

Hitch it up so you have it at least 2 inches above the top of the seat.