Sim Racing 2024

Why not a flight sim?

Genius! Red Bull Air race.


That feels like shitty reporting. uses alarmist language for clicks. I personally have not had any issues with them.

While it not sim, it could be sim in that there are sims of skating. But it’s actually not a sim. It’s a Japanese skateboarding game show.

I suspect that neither Warren nor I have the skill to compete but perhaps we can be invited as judges, given our deep appreciation of things that roll.

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Warren, there is a race for us that involves eating donuts.

See also:

If you think about it, a beer every 1/4 mile would be hard to do. you are running after all.

I also noticed this:

I came across some absurd sale prices. Just fyi that’s it’s bs.

Other than the running part, this sounds great to me!

This one also sounds great. Let’s sign up for masters class.

I’m assuming this event is:
1 lap for the Lightweight class
3 laps for the Heavyweight class
5 laps for the Masters class

or something like that. :rofl:

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Hold up that’s 20 beers for masters! Back in the day I coulda pulled that off.

not that drinking and driving is a good idea,… but imagine if you will a boozy kart race. One that involves a shot a lap. Some research would be needed to figure out how many laps the race is. Too many and no one finishes… all DNF. To make this safer we would run this in adapted bambino karts.

We’ll need a new thread to determine the optimal octane for the shots. Maybe we go international with each shot coming from a different part of the world.

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Ok but we bypass Gin and Tequila.

On a serious but not serious note,…

Quite interesting. Rowan Atkinson discussing his driving journey.

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I cannot recommend nor condone this behavior. Nor have I ever participated. But I also cannot say that I would not participate… with a helmet at least.



Came across this via Wired…

Dynisma seems to make sims that are “not for play” exactly, (more targeted at the teams). But… they sure look amazing.

No helmets? This is extremely crazy!

image :wink:

@Bimodal_Rocket Back at it, GT3 fixed !

Nothing stellar but good sof !

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Aha! I cancelled iracing but was thinking maybe I’d try something else.

I’ve been giving it some thought, Warren, and I think that you and I should go pro in something other than motorsports. It turns out that we can pillow fight for money.

I propose we start a team but specialize in winning. In order to give us a higher probability of winning, I suggest we compete against older ladies with infirmities and/or very young children.