SKUSA SuperNationals 26 - TJ Driver Diary

SuperNats is always carnage but this layout has some specific pain points.

Slippery track and barriers is a difficult combination.

Boy that’s a beauty! One of your karts?

Yep - Energy cadet in Mini. Little dude was just rolling down the straight behind someone and couldn’t have been half a tire width narrower than the kid he was following past a third kart. Must have hit right at a seam though - pretty abrupt and harsh.

Felt bad - Eddie had just kind of got comfortable and got his stride and man it was a confidence kicker. Oh well - keep digging!!

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Soldier on little fella! Fortunately the kids are ok.

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I was trying to follow and it seemed like TJ was having better luck in the heat I just watched. But, appears to have been a later-race kefluffle as he had managed to get up to 28th but finished in the 30s.

I was up to like 25th in the first few laps, had a great start and started moving up immediately. But I got absolutely punted into turn 1 and lost basically all my progress and ended P31. Waiting for LCQ line ups now.

Ok I understand now thank you. keep plugging :muscle::muscle::checkered_flag::checkered_flag::checkered_flag:

Didn’t see TJ in that KA Sr. LCQ… is there another one or did I miss something?

Either TJ made it in direct or didn’t make the LCQ. I would typically expect the former but with a 32nd, 33rd, and 41st I have a feeling it’s the latter.

Its amazing how much that one incident cost :frowning:

Widen the front and narrow the rear to stupid levels worked when I ran a Shifter chassis in 206…

We tried.

Didn’t make the LCQ, which is a first for me. That crash in practice really hurt us. Our weekend was basically over after that. If we had another one of those chassis I think we could’ve been competitive because we learned a lot and started to get it working. If we had a few days of testing on the kart prior to this event we wouldn’t have started so far on the back foot.

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You gave it your all, and sometimes these things happen. Next time Masters :smiley:

Damn what a tough weekend. Hope you had at least some fun getting behind the wheel.

I’ve added and angry react to the forums because I think we needed it.

Sorry man. I still find a factory effort with no backup chassis/frame to be one heck of a head scratcher….:thinking:

And yeah, those temporary barriers are a hazard in and of themselves. They suck karts in and turn minor minor brushes into major carnage.


Good effort TJ, too bad you didn’t get chance to show your stuff in the finals :clap:

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Damn that blows. Was hoping you would get a free pass as an ex champ or VIP.

Sucks coming out all this was for it to go south in practice.

Shame about how quickly a weekend can spiral out of control but cool to see you make it out there anyways. Adakonis is looking a bit better in warmup today.

Others might disagree, but one qualifying accident shouldn’t ruin the whole weekend. I know the format is the format, but a traditional qualifying heats format - front/middle/back - seems fairer. When the grids are this large it can really put you on the back foot straight away. Or maybe have two qualifying sessions. That way you can get a banker in or something.

Strangely part of the issue is the paddock is so spread out it literally takes 10 min to walk back, and that’s after waiting the scale line for 10 min, and they’ve got the schedule packed so tight, we had about 30 min to do things before we were out again. On practice day it was impossible to make big chassis changes because time was so limited. No way could we assemble to a new kart in time to make quali.

And the non progressive heat format means I have to pass 20 karts in every heat to have a chance.

The reason we didn’t have another of the primary chassis was the team underestimated the track conditions and tire construction here. Harder tires and slipperier track than they anticipated.