SKUSA SuperNationals 26 - TJ Driver Diary

I add 47-53 for nearly all KA Masters races. It hurts more when the kart lands on you when you flip (v. pain from lifting the kart) . Not to mention dangerous.


Learned a lot today. Kart is really strong mid-corner to exit but we are missing front end on turn-in which is causing us to lose out on apex speed and is REALLY painful on this insane straightaway.

The BestKart guys are working with us now on setup and we will be trying some thing with Adakonis’ kart for this afternoon.

If we can get the front to work, I think the kart will be fast.


Are you an IMAF hater or a Tillett fanboy? :thinking:

A realist :yum:
(Blah blah blah characters)


I hear ya. I’ve had good results with Greyhound recently, but can’t deny that Tillett seats just work.

Track layout… Gearing is tallllll


That is a LONG straight. Which driver is being used in KA?

Gear choices are all over the place right now. Some spinning 18k, some spinning 16k and running the same times. I was spinning 18k this morning and we will be testing lower tomorrow.

Not crazy about this straight to be honest. Seems a lot of people don’t like the layout. I’ve seen quite a few heavy crashes already. We are on full throttle for about 9 seconds on the straight and hitting 73 mph in KA. Braking is a bit sketchy in a few spots because there are huge bumps.

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Apparently now they are changing the track layout because it’s too dangerous and there was a massive crash.


I wonder how fast are the shifters, should be easily over 100

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Watched an onboard earlier and it was pretty sketchy

I’d guess 95, KA hits about the same at New Castle and the shifters go roughly 90 there too.

Was kinda suprised it didnt have a Jecko in it

My son is friend with one of the crashers today. Pretty good pileup at the end of the straight in a JR.

There were quite a few big hits into the barriers today…
The 1500 ft straight was an odd choice in my opinion.

Where do the Pumas sit in the range? I assume inbetween the 3f and tiger?

I think it’s an odd choice for a temp track. The racetrack in Carole (remember the epic World Finals?) is about 2,100ft. BUT it has a huge sand trap at the end, for that exact reason. I don’t know how you can create a safe runoff area in a temp track

Yeah seems stupid to bring the best drivers in the World to an event, then not give them any corners to showcase their skills on.


Exactly. It’s not technical at all. And it’s a shame because they have room to do something more interesting.

I have a feeling the idea of KZ hitting 100 mph on the straight was a factor in the design of the track.

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See how the racing plays out. All the best for the week ahead!

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