The SuperLeague at Supercharged Edison

An attempt at understanding how to use the 360 camera ends in frustration but at least some form of output.

It’s sort of baffling but I cannot figure out how to get YouTube to upload the 360 footage as manipulable 360 video.

However, you can make shorts easily using the app, up to 90s. I can see how that would be useful. I’m not sure it’s enough to want to run two cams unless I can figure out a better angle. It really needs an unobstructed view.

I put quiet kart to music

I’ve never driven on painted plywood, so I might be wrong about this, but I assume that the traction potential is different between the part of the track that is actually painted (and presumably collects rubber well), and the bits of track where the paint has been scrubbed away (the high load areas around the apex of some turns). If this is true, that could easily induce the type of traction oscillation you are experiencing at 0.46. That is “it’s gripping perfectly” then all of the sudden it starts releasing/grabbing/releasing. There is a huge amount of energy in a tire that is gripping the track at it’s performance potential. If the performance potential of the track changes beneath the tire, that “on the limit” relationship between energy/load/slip angle/force is thrown out of balance; the tire cannot do the same amount of work, so it scrubs off course. This whole process starts energy oscillations that can throw the whole cornering process out of balance. In addition to that, once you drive through the low traction (unpainted) area, normal traction potential is resumed, so there are multiple undesirable oscillators working against maintaining a predictable, efficient cornering energy cycle.

In situations like this, it is critical to drive to a tire loading plan, which is a broadening of the idea of ‘line’ to include how you build/release load on the tires throughout the turn, and how the rotational energy produced from that energy influences tire loading in the different phases of the turn. For example watch 0:41 - 0:53 in slow motion.
At 0:43 look where the guy in front of you is when he turns in. Step forward (> key) to 0:43 and look where you have positioned your kart (you started turning in earlier, and by the time you get to where he turned in, you are already in the middle of the track… on a very tight trajectory to the apex.). Also at this same timestamp, you can see that the other guy’s wider/rounder entry has built a good amount of rotational energy which is helping him keep a more balanced front/rear tire loading as he is finishing the entry phase and is moving towards the apex.

Step through to the mid 0:45 mark, and you see that by carrying a relatively huge amount of speed into the apex of the turn, you have gained time/distance on the guy in front, but at this point, his balanced tire loads have allowed him to smoothly navigate the painted/unpainted section of track. You are arriving at the apex (an earlier apex than him), with much more load on your front tire than your rear, so when you get to the dodgy bit of track, the imbalance in tire loading becomes energy oscillations. This produces a cyclically hopping front end that eventually becomes a ‘push to snap oversteer’ situation, which causes you to drift off (walk the back end away from) your intended line, while scrubbing speed, and then to top it off, you have to add more steering lock to finish the turn.

If you watch from 0:45 to 0:53, you will see that while you gain a bunch on the entry phase of the turn, once the other guy gets to the apex you are losing more time to him.

That said, I don’t think there are good/bad techniques. You use techniques to construct your plan for getting around a turn as quickly/consistently as possible. An early/shallow entry may work great on one turn/kart, and it may cost you time on another, and visa versa for a wide round entry.

I think of it this way, I believe the racing saying “he’s on rails” applies to everyone. We all drive on rails of our own construction, which we produce in real time with our driving inputs. And by rails, I literally mean traction, which for me is represented by the extruded slip-G curve (rails) I posted earlier in this thread.

Anyway, in this karting environment, listen to your tires, they tell you when they are not happy. For example, consider what I’ve said above and then do a deep dive cornering plan analysis yourself of:
0:57 - 1:01
1:06 - 1:13 (hint on this, rotational energy from a round entry in one turn can be used (rebounded) to facilitate rotation into the next turn).

PS Simple definition of understeer; If you can see what you just hit… :grin:just kidding. From apex out, if you are not able to gradually reduce steering input, then your cornering plan is producing understeering rails. So, if you can’t feel it in the tires/traction, you can use the steering wheel as a gauge.

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Oooh this is helpful. Thanks. I’ve been trying to understand if the loose bits are bad or not. I think you answered that. I will look at this carefully. I agree that I am probably putting the emphasis on the wrong part of the turn in many paces and producing that push.

I kind of lost the ability to trust in my guesses as to wether a is better than b because it feels funny, if that makes sense.

Maybe looking at things from a cornering plan perspective will help; or maybe not.
Also, remember you’re only 0.5 off the quickest guys, so you’re looking for speed hidden many layers into the onion so very small details matter. :+1:

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Sorry to bother, but which vid?

Sorry, this one:

The league was a lot of fun. Can’t wait for next in January!

I’m curious to see what Michael Polasek’s 48.144 run looks like. Do you know if he posts any videos?

Here’s my best time Track 2 48.564:

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Nice. You take a wider entry to the uphill there, throwing it in more left to right, coming down to apex and letting it run out like the track map. You then have a mid-trackish entry to the left to set up for the chicane after fast bit.

Chicane is very nice in this one.

You take a mid track entry to the right bit down into ramp. You are controlling the exit of the double apex left prior nicely and could hold a wider line, using width but don’t. No one seems to use the left edge like it suggests on map. I have been and it’s good fun, but I have no clue if it’s faster or not.

The last bit, coming off ramp and out to finish looks the same as mine.

I think next time around ill be trying the wider run up into spiral. That changes the next bit to have that loopier run through 180 left and then changes sweeper, a bit. That sector… uphill through chicane is probably where I can improve most.

Bravo and nice lap!!!

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I wanted to play with that area more, but I wish it could have been during a practice. It would be nice it there were more “League Speed” practices.

At some point I’m going to break some videos down to look at “section times” over there too, out of curiosity.

Was reviewing this one since it’s rare to see oneself in footage.

You eventually start gapping up on ramp down. It looks like you are letting kart make a bit more speed coming off ramp, last 15 feet of ramp. It looks like this works.

You also started to nail the uphill left. That looks like you’d simply hook it left up the ramp a tad later, holding right wall just a moment longer and then rapidly tipping kart left. A quick but not forceful turn in.

The lap that you end up passing me you clip 3 very well and then have a monster run through the double apex 4 which then positions you well for the loop down.

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That’s a seriously kickass track.

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And that’s 1/2. In theory there’s the super track that combines:

Total Length: 1,614 ft.
Track Max Width: 26 ft.
Left Turns: 5
Right Turns: 8

Total Length: 1,781 ft.
Track Max Width: 26 ft.
Left Turns: 8
Right Turns: 4

Elevation is hard to display. Basically there’s 3 levels. The track goes under itself. They seem to despise flat bits as there’s banking and slopes to pretty much everything.

The orange track only has 1 less turn but is the fast “straight” one whereas the blue track is the technical one.



Have you ever seen anyone run wide of this apex like this? This seems incorrect. The yellow seems more like what I’ve seen/done.

Also, this seems wrong:

I guess it depends upon state of track but one can hold that first apex and the rubber is such that you can hold a tight left exit as well as shown here. I suppose we could try overshooting first apex to late apex second. In practice, our turn down is steeper and grabs the rubber on the first left part, close to first and second apex.

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I was playing with a bunch of things, but there in particular I remember noticing that your kart (and mine) was sliding a lot, so I started lifting down to like 50% power or less for like a second to make sure the kart didn’t slide at all, and then getting right back on it, and noticed it seemed to pick up a good amount of time just from that alone. If you notice right around 6:39 you can hear the sound difference from lifting off there.

But then I was like, you know what, what if I just straighten it out to the wall to reduce that sliding (which pretty much is the race line on the track image) and that seemed to work out really nice – but then the later laps seems like you have enough grip to lift up for a split second to preempt that slide and get right back on it (here from 9:27) it’s much nicer.

I wish I didn’t mess up the start of the next practice race so bad that day😅, so that you would have had more time behind me. It really helped to be able to try different things there.

No, I tried a couple times based on the drawing, but it didn’t feel right. The yellow is more what I’m doing.

I wanted to try doing that, again only based on the drawing, but I never did a “practice” session on Track 2 and every time I came up to it I just couldn’t bring myself to do it during a “real” race :joy:. I would like to play with that more next time though.

In video it’s very noticeable. I think at one point you get 2-3 kart lengths. At least a tenth.

I went and did practice last night and worked on a bunch of stuff. Entry to uphill, chicane, downhill.

It’s interesting but speed 3 is worth doing for line (if you can get clear track).

That line on map for the double apex left before downhill sort of plays out like they describe in rentals. However, I’d be less “late” apex.

I think it was productive. Up the ramp with a wider entry no reduction of throttle just swing momentum wider up.

The sessions were good but man, I had one session…

We will call her “Pink Shoes”. She was a level 10 double black diamond moving chicane. I’m trying not to smack into her while simultaneously getting savaged by the other guys. I shoulda just given them the responsibility of getting by her for me. I did have to wall 2 guys this time because, manners, and I have a responsibility as the faster driver to teach race etiquette.

Here ya go:

Committed to full lock on all turns or something.

It occurred to me in real-time that the days of you choking when in front of me (or any other fast driver) are gonna be short-lived. We should do more so you get comfy. I’ll ride your butt till you are good with driving glued together, nose to tail.

By the way, I bought ReelSteady from Gopro and applied it to these sessions (50%). Whatcha think? I’ll post an unsteadied tonight for comparison.

Oh boy!

Hi Dom,

We are excited to invite you to the 2023 Supercharged Entertainment Championship Series!


Woot! :100:

This will be a shortened racing series that will be ran just like our league, but with a few minor adjustments. For starters, as mentioned above, it will be shortened. This will only be three weeks of racing. Now what about qualifying? How can you have two weeks of qualifying with only three weeks of racing? The answer is, there won’t be any qualifying. All drivers will be in one division and there will only be one single winner crowned. You also won’t need to worry about your starting grid, because each night the drivers will rotate which race they are in and who they race with. Everyone will immediately be racing on our increased league speed.

The Championship Series will begin on November 14th, and run on the 21th and 28th. We will be running this on Tuesday night only, and will have a limit of 100 drivers. The winner will get their name added to the championship trophy at the track check in desk!

Pricing will be $225.

This is exciting!

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Oh man! Hard to look away from that one. I can see that doing well as a “short” :joy:.

Oh cool! I’m not really familiar. Does this mean you’re shooting with stabilization off? And what angle then, can it still do super/hyper view? Does it manage to do it’s job without the extra cropping then? Interested to see the raw view :+1:

It’s a feature in Gopro player. It offers you the opportunity to try it and then when you go to export they ask you to purchase license.

Yes I am shooting with steady. I’m also using max lens view mod now.

The reelsteady crops slightly, but it’s doing it from superview with a max lens.

I’ll post the un-steadied for comparison tonight.

You’ll notice that where the segments meet in the video it’s dirty… that’s because segment one gets processed, then the other. Then they get combined. Can’t put multiple clips in Gopro player alas. I then had to go into premiere to combine and export.

I found this:

If you upload the segments to Gopro cloud, it joins them. Then you can apply reelsteady to one clip.

This is interesting…

Like how you super late apex this. This seems correct in spirit. 4:35. @nikspeeds

And then there’s the Dom…

When it’s gripped up it feels ok too

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