(Weekly) KartPulse Racer Videos Thread

That’s the spirit!!! :sunglasses:

Tell me what y’all think. My driver is number 2. The carbon fiber helmet.

It’s the job of the person passing to get the pass done cleanly. Solid attempt, but maybe a little overambitious given the likelihood of open wheel contact. Alternately, some could say that it wasn’t aggressive enough and the only thing the passing driver did wrong was to not pod the other guy off the track instead of risking the wheel to wheel contact. :grin:

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That was my thought too…

One can driver in a manner that makes it very hard to get overtaken cleanly. I used to play this game in sim racing, as an experiment, whereby I’d also turn into a corner no matter what was on the inside. More often than not they’d get the blame because this mantra was dominant in that environment. So for me there has to be a balance of responsibility because it’s possible to manipulate as the leading driver.

Regarding the video - To me the move looks good. It’s hard to tell from that angle. If the driver on the inside is at the apex and the kart isn’t understeering into the outside driver, I am leaning towards racing incident there. Plenty of overlap.


I only need 1 word to describe Formal in this action : clown :clown_face:

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You’re right - at some point blocking can be a real thing, so yeah, the person being passed does have some responsibility, but as you allude to it’s a lower bar and not as officiated in many cases.

I agree that the pass attempt shown seemed “legitimate” but karts, or any open wheeled vehicle require all parties to do some extra math in their head regarding risk vs reward in order to avoid ending up ‘dead right’. In this case the math didn’t prove out.

That was a totally fine pass attempt. Just a racing incident.

Your driver lost pace and the other driver had the opportunity and took it. Your driver wasn’t expecting the inside move and closed down. Kind of a risky move by the other guy but one I’d have taken, I think. But then again, I’m used to wraparounds these days and would have just moved your guy.

To Caleb’s point, bonking your guy off could have been an option but the relative speeds were too high, imo. Nose to tail would have been savage, pod would have been aggressive. He just took the gap without forcing your guy wide.

I also don’t get the impression your guy intended to close him out. I am thinking this is a learning experience. He did see the guy coming, did understand that he had someone inside, but didn’t understand that he was screwed and tried to apex down and the result is tire contact/dnf.

Or maybe he did understand but in the heat of the moment his didnt want to accept that he lost pace and opened the door and hoped for the best. Just kept on keeping on. IMO this will give him some wisdom that will allow him to make more tactically smart decisions in the future, understanding when to fight and when to finish.

I think the other guy has the right to be annoyed but he also knew that he was threading a needle, and that this could happen. Risk taken and price paid.

Line em up and go again! Better luck next time and I hope your guy is not too bummed. Shit happens, as they say.

My 2c fwiw.


Just saw this in my youtube feed.

Thought those purple suits were my Korsasport suits…. Same design and colors.

Wonder how well a skin tight suit would hold up when you are ejected from your kart on pavement. Indoor stuff it’s probably less abrasive when you slide across the polished floor, but then again the benefits of aero is probably even less important in indoor karting.

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I was wondering when skin tight suits might become a thing……

Rebel Scum idea re skin tight suits:

Rebel scum racing is open to make complete asses of themselves if someone would like to sponsor us for team suits. We range from unpleasantly skinny to moderately rotund (with the exception of our young drivers who still have bodies they care about). We would look like a bunch of purple and yellow oompaloompas.

But, I guarantee you we’d be pretty damn quick. I can’t speak for Marc tho, since he pays his way and presumably has a reputation to uphold. And I can’t speak for our combat friar, Nik, who may have more self respect than the team principal.

Ok well, I’ll do it, at least.

7 posts were split to a new topic: Karting 1 Feature - Dual Engine OK Kart By Glenn Guest

The trend I have seen of late is roll bars and belts indoors. I have been at a few facilities now that this is the case. With the electrics, it makes sense, they can push big loads, easy. The belts are great with the inevitable sudden impact crashes.

You have a point! I have only seen one electric upside down. This may be a case of looking good for insurers as opposed to usefulness.

I do like the two point car style seat belt though. It isn’t a harness and tightens like a car one does when impacts forwards.

Imagine a kart rides up the nassau, and you can’t move. Could take your head off. Absolute HATE these roll bars with belts. You need full roll cages if you’re to have those. Recipe for disaster.

Decided to have a go and try the karting track of Spa today !

Got scolded because I climb the kerbs in the last chiken :frowning:


Nice looking lap… so they don’t want you playing chicken with the chicanes? What are they, fans of Slow?

They were like : “It damages the kart”

Bros never experienced the corkscrew at OVRP

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Mais Monsieur, I am here to set zee track record! Sacrebleu!

Now I know why all the euro tracks are flat. They are worried about ze spindles.

Your relative pace was high compared to the patrons. They should realize that they have a “bolide” on their hands.