(Weekly) KartPulse Racer Videos Thread

Spa has a 17meters elevation changes. Not AMP, true, but not bad at all. Combined with banked and off camber turns, it is pretty fun. 13hp is not enough power though.
I would love to see some 4 stroke rentals at 18-20hp, but the honda is so prevalent nobody wants to change

Well it sure is a subtle 17 meters! In video it looks flat like La Belgique. It does look nice and technical tho. Kart seems good.

Or the braking zone EOS

Speaking of which 6hr is on May 11 and we will be racing with British Tanguy aka Marc.

Mariembourg is a lot flatter. You can check on the video the elevation. Mariembourg is 2 meters LOL

Oh thatā€™s so cuteā€¦

In heat 3 they put a cone on your chicane apex.

I hope you launched it.

I did, obviously :grin:


Le ā€œallez vous faire foutreā€ kerb kiss :kissing_heart:


Paid for full track.
Uses it.

Maybe itā€™s because its in video, but that kerb hit looked very mild?

It is mild but they were worried about the underfloor, especially now that the karts are new

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This is not me, but itā€™s important that everyone watch this immediately :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


What is the third chain the looks zip tied to the seat?

Huh?.. (20xxxxxx 20 20)

My guess: Spare chain to avoid having to break a 219 or remove the rear axle to swap it out.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: someone tried the ross chastain wall ride in gokart

I had a pal who did this in one of our heats

Not as impressively but yeah with plastic walls and plastic bumpers it works


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I feel like this should be stickied.

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Unless you are Jos Verstappen

Jadeā€™s latest Superkart

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My son (23) and I (older than some dirt) are racing 206 Sr/Masters because we both enjoy racing rather than to get him into racing cars. We have made some great memories in the two years weā€™ve been racing together - thatā€™s what itā€™s all about for us.


Dont know why but i just love them !!