Very cool, thanks for sharing!
Good lord that’s superkart (or rental kart) level weight!
We’ve been ramping up progress on the winter builds for our little fleet. We had to go deep, the ole girls were whipped. The 2 Eagles got sent off to Mr. Hamble for an exorcism and a couple little mods, then went out for fresh powder coat. We replaced every fastener with properly sized and graded hardware, tool blacked anything that was bare steel, completely rebuilt the brake systems, fresh engines and clutches, and lots of random new parts. Waiting on a few more things to show up to hopefully be ready for a setup and scale party next weekend.
My son and I also recently got into 3D printing, so we drew up and printed some karting nuggets to try out… I think we may have some pretty cool ideas, but we will see how they work.
I finally found a use for those WeatherTech floor matt coasters I randomly ended up with
Can’t wait to get back at it! I snuck into the top 5 in Masters at NCMP in my last 2 races, so hope to pick up where we left off. Looking forward to branching out to other tracks/series this season too.
That’s cool you worked for Doran. I always really liked that car, It was nicely laid out. I bet we crossed paths at the track at some point… I was at Cheever as the lead mechanic on this dumpster '06-'07 seasons. The car was a steaming turd, but it was a fun couple years! This is one of the few pics I have with me in it at this publicity dog & pony show at LBC in '06. That was a late night… smoked the clutch doing parade BS on the city streets.
What makes the new style clutch better compared to the old one? Also still got the old style in my ROK.
first of all less movening parts and less parts overall is less maintenace and items to worry for failure .
enother problem solved with the new assembly is that the notorious for fails springs the 3 ones that the old type has , are not present in the new type . the inside shoes in the new type are far more stronger than the shoes in the old one ,
i have seen almost double worn ratio on my old type clutch in my rok engine per one full day of practice . 5 sessions of ten minutes in a practice day . comperated to the new type we have and check with the same amount of working hour in our x30 engine .
enother issue is the difficulty to found here in europe the spare parts to keep maintain the old one type .
the advandage of the old one is that the parts are a lot cheaper but i am ready to put the money in coz the clutch in the single speed engines is one of the parts that gets a lot of pressure during practice and it can make me unhappy if it fails early on a practice day and just make me a mechanic -spectator for the rest of the practice sessions …
What size is your trailer?
27’ it’s the smallest toy hauler you can get where the bed is on a slide for the extra room. Loving it so far. Perfect track trailer and of course makes a good camper also.
Sexaaaaaaaaaay (20 char)
We looked at those but my wife really wanted the patio to hang out on and for the dogs to get outside without running free.
I am looking for one about the size of yours. I need it to have a room for 2 karts and a place to sleep. Anything else would be a bonus
Yeah, the patio would be pretty sweet!
Perfect for that. There is the Adrenaline/Work and Play 21LT (identical footprint just different colors) also the Keystone Impact 25V that all share a small footprint with a slide and back patio.
Nice! I like the very tall trophy!
Hi. I just recently had my frame re coated to match the blue that i see on some compkarts. Its a covert 3.0