Why do karters do FREE advertising?

Ha, I re-read that word a few times before posting and still missed it. Thanks.

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So, this was last years kart, I have a few “gimme” stickers (IAME doesn’t sponsor me, but they are something I sell and charge people to rebuild so I guess I do make money with them), but I made everything myself, this is a Formula K (here the chassis is still mint green) this year I’ll be powder coating and the only way you’ll know it’s an FK is the name plate and the cut out by the heel rest. Personally, I think people should do what they enjoy, and have fun with it.


Truthfully I hate the “they all look alike” style. I came up with my own look for my flat kart (asphalt oval). When my sprint kart gets ratty looking I will make my own wrap.

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I’m a huge fan of doing your own thing. As evidenced by my livery collection.

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Meant to put the photos in that post. A few from 2021


Who made your suit @highSRT