Hey there guys,
So for the last few weeks, I’ve been working with AIM Sport to develop some videos on Youtube to better explain Race Studio 2, and provide some insights on how to approach data analysis.
What I want to do is create a thread for people to be able to ask any question they want about Race Studio or karting data analysis. If anyone knows the answer to it, we’ll discuss in the thread below. Also, this will be a good opportunity to create new videos based on the question in this forum, in order to better share the information to the karting community.
We’ve been taking questions that people have been asking via our Facebook page or Twitter as well, and using them as topics for future videos.
One of the questions that I’m working through right now is determining how to overlap data laps from multiple drivers that seem out of sync. I’ve seen a few people asking questions where data from the same track doesn’t seem to be lined up, so they can’t compare data. I’ll update this thread with I have an answer, and perhaps a video will come from this
I deal with this all the time (sorry, just trying to be helpful, not interject) and there are a few ways you can do it. Either use snap to slide the laps until they line up or use GPS lap insert if you use a GPS system on either a MyChron4 or 5.
That said, the inherent accuracy in the GPS08+MyChron4/MyChron5 won’t ever let it line up properly with the GPS05 + MyChron4.
I’ve seen this a few times and it is normally that the different sessions have either different GPS marker choices (which you can copy between sessions if you like) or one session uses and IR beacon/magnet and one uses the GPS marker.
Often the best way to deal with this is set all the sessions to a common GPS marker and repair your IR beacon or magnet pickup for the next session.
Bumping this thread back up, because Roger Caddell and I are talking about doing another recording session soon about Race Studio.
I wanted to make sure that people have an opportunity to ask any questions that might be on their mind about Race Studio. We’ve created 20 videos in the last few months, based on user feedback and questions.
So this is my thought. Ask any question you want about Race Studio. If we already have a video created for an answer, I’ll send you a link to it. If the question is new, we’ll add it in the queue to get a video created answered for you.
There are no silly questions. If one person has this question, then a thousand other people seem to have this question.
Here is the link to the updated playlist, and I’ll update the root post here later today.
Do AiM have any plans to release a new Race Studio Analysis version which will support time delta calculated from GPS position and not the speed->distance?
That’s complex, but needed.
Another feature which I think is needed, is a way on the gps “map” to align two gps traces from the same or different sessions.
I have two requests, one a feature request (as I think it doesn’t exist) and the other an indepth video.
The feature request is the ability to modify many tests properties in one go. My main issue is drivers not updating their mychron track name for example. So i have many pieces of data with many different track names but all the same track.
An indepth video I would like to see is the examination of the use of friction circles (G-G Diagram), the use of G-Sum, the use of slip, line bending radius and how you can make use of these and how to apply them to GPS circuit maps (heat maps).
I use these things but its not my full time job so don’t have a problem with the rest of the world know it.
Hey there Nik,
I can’t help you with submitting feature requests, because I don’t work for AIM Sports. I’m just helping them with readiness content, but I can let them know that it’s come up via our forums.
*** Changing test properties** - Let me know this video helps. Right now there isn’t a way to do this in bulk like with multiple tests at a time. - https://youtu.be/LvcMg9GbV5s
*** Use of friction circles (G-G Diagram**), the use of G-Sum etc- We don’t have a video on that yet. I’ll put this topic in the queue.
Yep I know how to do individual tests but just from Supernats I have over 200 sessions all with drivers who changes their names on the mychron between sessions to be funny or decide to change the track name.
Hahaha. Sounds like some drivers need some ‘driver discipline’
I know at the moment, Race Studio doesn’t do bulk edit when it comes to test file properties, but I’ll send the feedback their way. This thread is most about understanding functionality of how Race Studio and data analysis works, not sending in feature requests.
Hey there Nik,
Just to let you know that I finished editing the GSum and Friction Circle videos today. They’ll be in the publication queue in a few weeks,and I’ll share the link with you when they go live.
I have a question about reviewing Data on the My5 itself.
Has anyone had issues displaying the lap Histogram on the My5 Memory?
I can pull up the top 3 comparison and individual lap max and mins- but the total session candlestick histogram is gone for me.
I lost it around the July/Sept Firmware updates (we had several rain outs and didn’t get to race in July/Aug) so I can’t pinpoint exactly when.
I don’t have my Mychron right in front of me, but it sounds like you might have a dashboard setting deactivated. Have you checked on the settings on the actual Mychron to see if you’ve turned something off on accident?
Yes I have. I don’t see any thing that would sound like the histogram except maybe “lap Summary” under “lap Time Setup” allowed to either enable or disable and neither seem to affect it.
I’ve even went through the on-line manual and see nothing referring to a setting for it. But I also see a “RPM graph for desired lap” listed to come up after the histogram and I’ve never had that available in memory recall.
I am thinking of upgrading to a Mychron 5 2t. Which would provide the best information for jetting the CHT or EGT? I would rather bite the bullet now and get the 2t rather then wish I had a second sensor later.
In my opinion, EGT would be the best of the two to be gathering information on. Water temp and EGT should get you where you need to go. (I’m assuming that you’re running a two-stroke of some kind, because you’re looking at EGT)
Some four-strokes measure cylinder head temps, just to make sure that they are running effectively, but Water/EGT would be a more production combo to get started.