Hilliard Flame black (heavy) spring install help

Hello, I’ve gotten the light springs on the clutch using snap ring pliers but when I tried with the heavy springs I broke the pliers tips, and even then the spring did not open up far enough. I’m totally lost on how to get em on and wanted to hear how you guys do it. Thanks!

I have used Channellock snap ring pliers. The stiff springs may require both hands, especially the first time you stretch it.

More tips here!


All my tips are here:


Those are the ones that I have, same ones that broke. I’ll try again. Which tips did you use?

Thanks! Just curious cause I broke mine :joy:. Sorry bout the post I should’ve looked better.

Thanks! I’ll try it out with the wrenches.

no worries. Search can be hit and miss depending on the words.

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External “lock ring” pliers work better than “snap ring” pliers. They don’t have little tips to break off, more surface area to hold the spring. Some of them even have grippy knurling on the outside face of them that help keep you from launching the spring into orbit too.

Something kinda like these…

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