Karting Memes and Funnies

Edit: moved to shirt thread

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And I haven’t won another one since . . . :rofl:


Felt “inspired” today and whipped up a variation on a theme…


Wish I could claim this as my own but it was @AndreLafond idea

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Just read up on his problems. Pretty extreme anger control stuff. I fortunately missed the whole bambino/cadet craziness (but had plenty of it in tennis). Must have been rough for Max and explains a bit why he drives so hard. (I’ve always felt that his driving is too aggressive in traffic).

Reminds me a bit of a pro skater (name withheld) whose Dad was similar. Dude was a super gnarly skater who would do dangerous stuff readily. Basically his Dad taught him to be that way iirc, (conditioned him to risk take and be gnar-gnar) and he was pretty unique in the skating world.

We do tend to emulate what we have been taught. I guess the trick is extracting the good stuff from our parents and having perspective on the bad (while understanding why you cannot go that path).

I remember them at kart races when I think Max was running minimax, we still joke that his dad has an axle ready to discipline if he makes a mistake.

Probably shouldnt joke about that sort of thing but Jos definitely has that vibe.

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Moving this on to make-believe people: Turns out the most unreasonable racer is Speed Racer:

" Nothing can excuse his body count, which are mostly second-degree murders disguised as collateral damage of racing. His sociopathy has no clear boundaries. He will run you off the track in a race, sure, but he will also grab the last parachute from a falling plane — then stare you dead in the eyes as he jumps."

Also like Russian gymnasts.
His dad is also just a terrible human being, even disregarding his parenting

Confirms my suspicion about those in white panel vans . . .


Standard issue when you enter the Masters Class in Kart Racing . . .

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There have been a number of “help me with line” posts of late and this one has emerged as a contender.


It’s “gluten free”. :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Re gluten free, you’d be surprised how often wheat flour especially is used as a binder or filler in things.

But yeah things like gluten free water crack me up, and I’m celiac (Still in denial, but I have a family history too)


kart ing