Pre-Race/Track Pump Up Jams

A sad day for American music when he passed.

Mr. Buffet was a great storyteller whose message was more complicated than margaritas and fun.

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When I start in the back of a final, I do three things:

  1. Mount a beat up old front bumper
  2. Charge my GoPro
  3. Play this song:

That’s many many BPM. His poor wrists, that must be like doing a 6hr endurance race on a KZ, indoors. I am impressed. Lord help the guys in front of you.

I am having flashbacks of the the movie, Iron Eagle, where the kid throws in a mix tape during his flight sequences.

Does anyone listen to music during a race?

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This would be an interesting sim experiment:

  1. Run a session with no music to set a baseline (best lap, average lap, and lap delta)
  2. Then get a good audio mix between music and the necessary sim sounds and run 3-5 test sessions with the same number of laps, for example :
    a) Mellow song(s) (maybe something like Pink Floyd, Time, Money, or Comfortably Numb).
    b) Medium pace song(s).
    c) Face melting song(s).
    d) Maybe a fast-paced instrumental song(s), ala Joe Satrani, or similar.
    e) Maybe EDM song(s) (because you can ‘hook into’ multiple rhythm paces in the same song).

It would be cool to see if the different types of music have an influence on ultimate pace, consistency, and number of driving errors.

My guess for best to worst is: a, e, d, c, b.
What results would you guys anticipate?

Anecdotally, when I sim I listen to music.

The music very much affects the driving. This should be unsurprising, given that we instinctively tap our feet to music and can’t help but start to want to dance and stuff.

It’s a pity we didn’t evolve communication through music and dance, our convos would be a lot more interesting.


Metal etc doesn’t work for me. It’s too aggro and driving, to me, is not done angry.

Melodic metal (ie he Ozzy song @Stamatis125 linked, Metallica stuff works fine, Bavarian Death Metal like @tjkoyen linked, does not). Same with Punk, whatever.

My happy place is house type music with modest BPM in the 75-150 range and generally, rhythmic, uplifting but intense, is ideal.

Too soft like Winston’s December and you go to the quiet place and hope the Stig takes over, which he does easily in this state.

The point is the beat takes over. Loud, angry makes you want to shred and tear stuff up. Not the ideal baseline for speed, but could be for combat.


Oh, this is supercharged if it were music:

This is exactly how I feel there, hanging it out in the rubber, big circles linking again and again.

I once drive for a couple hours replaying an acapella song. This will either drive you mad or allow you to zone out:

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One final thott: like weed, Music ultimately does not affect pace.

Music influences how you drive, how hard you brake, how much you ask of the kart. Mellow, quiet music tends to lead to quiet hands and feet. Stuff that puts you in a precise, quiet place doesn’t have to be mellow, but it does need to evoke a state that inspires rather than detracts, if that makes sense.

Because sim is sim and what I do is not varied, music is/was essential to doing hundreds of laps a night.

But, I have also driven solo 1-3hrs, IRL, a number of times and did not need music to allow me to find the beat to the driving or anything. I drove just as well without.

I don’t think music changes pace, just how you express it, but it has to be the right music at the right time, mentally.

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Van Halen. Not Van Hagar.


Stiv Bator and The Dead Boys feat. Italian guest star IAME

Later, Bator:

a lil Fugazi…

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I love this song. I don’t love much else from Fugazi but this one bangs. I prefer Minor Threat.

Yup. There’s a few iconic punk songs and this is one of them. I’d put BadBrains I against I in the same category.

Oooh we cant forget this bad boy, but in a campier vein:


Loooove Bad Brains. I really like most of the punk and hardcore from that era. Vandals, Gorilla Biscuits, DI, Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag etc

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^not a clear sentence apparently :laughing:

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Music was Therapy for me in the 80’s and 90’s. :rofl: :rofl:


Husker Du spoke to me back then…

…and then Bob Mould got older, too. This is where we land if we are lucky…

“Getting drunk out on the beach or playing in a band…when getting out of school meant getting out of hand…”



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