What did you do to your kart today?

That’s not psi, it’s a durometer reading the softness.

An MG Yellow is like 50 points I believe and these special Bridgestones are 20 points softer… super sticky.

Ahh. Thank you. I was perplexed.

It looks okay. If I understand what you are saying I think the filter is there to allow the tank to be vented but not just open. The idea is to keep oil and gas from spilling on the track.

An old pre evo rotax engine was at the selve for a long time … lets wake him up

Working on the stickers. What do you think or our livery?


If you put a business name on your kart do you write karting off as a business expense on your taxes?
Are you doing this in your house? I’m lucky I get the garage!

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I own a small company that pays for some advertising. So I created another company that sells advertising with a little kart racing team. Company A pays company B all the costs associated with racing and gets to write if off. Company B loses money because there is never enough $ to keep the team going!

AND, yes!!! What you see is my home office. A AM THE BOSS!!! I do not ask for permission!! (Yeah, right). Wife is out of town!!!

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You might always know this, but for anyone else reading… If you have a company that doesn’t turn a profit after three years the IRS can declare it a hobby.

Another thing that irks me a little is the perception is that a write off makes something free. In reality, when you write something off you’re getting a 20% discount. The money is still spent, so spend wisely :wink:

This is worthy of a separate topic I think. But then again do we really want to give each other tax advice :laughing:


Would probably work about as well as randoms giving chassis tuning advice :rofl:

How rude. Stop attacking me!

Every time I see that horrible logo (IRS) my heart starts RACING.

I wonder if there’s a similar thing I can do with my rental racing expenses. Perhaps if I were to officially do a media business of some sort. You have me thinking, Charles.

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Are you taking clients racing?
Full disclosure: I AM NOT AN ACCOUNTANT!

Hehe I had not considered that as a client entertainment opportunity!

Invest with Dom, learn to Brake good.


There you have it! You can even add a couple of bears and burgers after driving is done.

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It may have been a typo but…

The bear burger exists and you can get on the Upper West Side, apparently!

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LOL! Beer, of course! hahah!

Giving love on an old rotax fr 125 . As lukas said some times … it has seen the napoleon wars at his prime … laugh :smiley:

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I picked up a new toy from the freight terminal today:


Your old ass don’t need front brakes on anything!