KartPulse Forums - 2018 Year in Review

Top #General Karting Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Is it really possible to get into karting for 3K? 21
Getting Started in Karting Central Florida 16
Is Kart Racing At Risk In Florida? 14
Arrive and Drive vs. Owning a Kart 14
A cost analysis of getting into karting 13

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Capture your track day 64
Is it really possible to get into karting for 3K? 44
Does anyone ride recreationally? 37
Arrive and Drive vs. Owning a Kart 36
Post a pic of your first kart 34

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Why do you Kart? 20
New Karting Film 20
New Fun Kart Vlog! Check it out! 20
You're 27 Racing 16 Year Olds.. Keys to Success 19
The time you ran out of talent or most embarrassing moments 19